2021 2-18 Public Release: UCA Chicago SHIP Site Work in
Last Open Enrollment Period October 2020 – February 2021
for Medicare-Medicaid 2021
UCA IL SHIP Counselors – Dr. Meijan Linda Yu, Sandy Hui, Chengya Shih
A. Webinars – Over 200 people in attendance. Many follow-up Q&As
1) 2020 11-14 Webinar to Naperville Women’s Club Webinar
Presented “Medicare 的東南西北
Presenters: Dr. Meijan Linda Yu and Chengya Shih
Results: Well received with many compliments; the largest audience NWC ever had.
2) 2020 12-2 to Taiwan’s華府台灣同鄉會 Webinar
Presenter: Chengya Shih
Results: Well appreciated
3) 2020 12-4 to Taiwan’s中山女中和師大校友會 (100 participants)
Presenter: Chengya Shih
Results: Well presented and many had follow-up inquires
B. Individual Assistance – 3 SHIP Counselors to over 30 people
4) Helped individuals living in western suburbs of Chicago
C. Electronic / Email Correspondence – to over 200 people
5) Number of People Helped by Receiving 2021 Medicare-Medicaid Update Electronic Files assembled and sent by Meijan Linda Yu
A. Chicago SUNRISE Chorus Group Members and Spouses
B. Alumni of Kong-Xiao Elementary School
C. Alumni of 1970s Graduates from Texas A&M University